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Data center optical module manufacturers have garnered massive market attention in this trend

Release time: 2021-09-14 Views: 14

With the rapid development of cloud computing and big data, the data center market is still growing rapidly. Data center optical module manufacturers have garnered massive market attention in this trend. Fiberate has received a lot of orders and accumulated customer numbers in the storage, enterprise network market. Meanwhile, the change in IDC network traffic has put forward new demand for the construction of Telecom network architecture. IDC data center, as an important infrastructure, is bound to usher in the high-speed expansion period. With complicated and refined manufacturing process, relying on its excellent optical design and process design capabilities, Fiberate has launched full range of 100G products including QSFP28 SR4/LR4/ER4/CWDM4/PSM4/AOC, and 100G CFP2 LR4/ER4 providing the best network connectivity solution for the data center market and cloud optical network construction.